Thursday, January 9, 2014


 Hello and welcome!!  

I don’t know how you ended up here, perhaps by accident or by bribery or by my mothers insistence, but no matter what, I’m excited to have someone, anyone, join me in this journey.

What journey?

Well, that will require some background, which will follow, but here’s a quick overview so you know what you’re getting yourself into.

I am a twenty-seven (holy begeeses that’s old and scary sounding) grad student who is currently working part time, substitute teaching, and who fancies herself a writer.  

This, however, is not why I have chosen to start this blog(I’ve got others that you’re welcome **hint hint** to check out).  This is for a specific purpose, to discuss my ongoing struggle with epilepsy.  I’ll discuss what I’ve been through and the steps I’m taking today to help combat this beast inside my head.  I’ll try to keep it light but be prepared, this blog is going to be the expression of my literal demons and some tough emotions, struggles, and decisions will be described in great detail.  I hope my own experiences will be relatable, informative, and perhaps at moments inspirational.  


I have one other warning or perhaps disclaimer; this is my story, my life, and my battle.  I have at times gone rouge in my treatment and do not encourage others to follow in my,at times, damaging footsteps.  I have also chosen some unorthodox methods of treatment (this is something that is new and I don’t know the outcome yet)I plan to keep a pretty detailed account of how it goes for me, but I understand that some of the choices I am making may be against certain (many) medical opinions and I do not want anyone to feel like I am stating anything more than my opinions and experiences here.  


So, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s begin!


  1. you are such a strong, talented and courageous person Neisha, with such a bright and beautiful personality, and I hope that some day you will not have to struggle with this. know that I will always be here for you. I love your writing and look forward to your letters, stories and poems. :)

    1. Thank you, though you're my mom so you gotta think I'm all kinds of good things! I know you'll always be here just like you always have. Love you!

  2. I was trying to follow your blog but not having luck. :(

    1. Thank you so much for taking a moment to read and for trying to follow my blog. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work for you. It seems you have an account, I'll make sure everything is set properly. Either way, thanks again!!

  3. A true fan, love your writings, your very brave.

    1. Thank you so much! That's so kind of you to say and to take the time to read my story! :)
